Sports Events
Events or games are posted like regular programs, with the exception that the individual events are listed separately on the log and affidavit pages, and each event must be posted separately.
Makegoods on Events
When creating a makegood for a spot from an event, it must be made good on a date on which there is an event. After entering the makegood air date, if there are events available on the makegood date, a screen will appear in which the event can be selected by clicking the radio button on the left side of the screen next to the event. After selecting the event, enter the air time and press Process to create the makegood on the selected event.
Carry Status for Events
On some systems, after selecting the affidavit week, the list of games will be shown with three possible statuses for each game: Carried, Not Carried, and Unknown.
To post the spots for an individual game, select “Carried” from the dropdown list, press "Post Affidavit", and post the spots on the Affidavit page. Only games set to the “Carried” status can be posted.
If an individual game will not be carried, select “Not Carried” from the dropdown list. This is used to indicate that the game will not be carried, and that no individual posting of spots will be done for it. When setting a game to “Not Carried”, the "Post Affidavit" button will not be shown for that game to indicate that there is nothing more to be done for that game.
The “Unknown” status is the default value and is used to indicate the status of an event that has not been set to “Carried” or “Not Carried”.
All the games for a week must be set to one of the following two options: either “Carried” and fully posted, or “Not Carried”, before the affidavit week will be complete and ready for transmitting back to the network. (A single week can have a mix of “Carried” and “Not Carried” games, or all are “Carried”, or all are “Not Carried”.)