The Posting Screen is for marking whether spots aired, editing aired dates and times, and posting the airing information so that the affidavit will be retrieved by the network system. 

The spot information is shown in the second part of the screen, with the following fields:

  • Advertiser and Product: The name of the advertiser and the product. 
  • ISCI code: The unique identification code for the copy.
  • Comment: If a copy instruction comment is available, an icon will appear in the “C” column. To see the comment, either hold the mouse over the icon to see a mouse-over popup, or click the icon to see a popup with the comment on it. (This comment will also appear on the log and on the printed log.)
  • Length: The length (in seconds) of the spot.
  • Aired?: This field is used to mark whether the spot aired or not. If airing information is auto-imported from a service, it will be marked with a blue star in this field.
  • MR: Missed Reason. When a spot has been missed, the missed reason will be visible in this field. (Not all systems use Missed Reasons.)
  • MG: Makegood. If the spot is a makegood, it will be indicated here. (Not all systems allow Makegoods.)
  • Pledge Date: The date the spot is pledged to air, based on the agreement with the network.
  • Pledge Time: The time the spot is pledged to air, based on the agreement with the network.
  • Air Date: This field stores the date the spot actually aired and typically cannot be edited. If the spot aired on a different date and makegoods are allowed, mark it as missed as create a makegood for it.
  • Air Time: This field is used to enter the time the spot actually aired.

The airing information can be updated for each spot individually by manually editing each spot, or all at once using the “All Aired” or “None Aired” buttons. When using the “All Aired” and “None Aired” buttons, only spots that have not been manually edited on the affidavit will be updated. 

For any spot that is marked as not having aired, on some systems, a missed reason must also be entered. When using the “None Aired” button to mark all the spots as not having aired, the selected missed reason will apply to all the spots that get updated (when missed reasons are required).

On some system configurations, there will be a “All Aired as Pledged” button instead of an “All Aired” button.

After updating the aired status and entering or editing any required air dates and times, press the “Submit Posts” button to post the airing information. (If a spot does not have an aired time, it must be filled out before the spot will get marked as posted when pressing “Submit Posts”.)

It's possible to switch between seeing all spots (the default), posted spots only, and unposted spots using the dropdown. Posted spots will have a green background. Unposted spots will have a red background. 

When all the airing information has been entered and all the spots have been posted, the affidavit will be ready for sending back to the network. (The network imports the airing information for all fully posted affidavits automatically on a schedule when the affidavit week is entirely in the past.) Affidavits that have been fully posted like this and sent back to the network will no longer be available for editing, but will be viewable until they are automatically archived.

Clicking the column headers sorts the data using the selected field as the major sort in ascending or descending order.

Auto-imported Spots

Spots that have been auto-imported from a service will be marked with a star. A light blue star indicates that the airing information can be edited. A dark blue star indicates that the airing information cannot be edited. 

To see more information about the auto-posted spots, hold the mouse over the star. The source of the auto-posted spot will be shown, with a priority of 1, 2, or 3. Posted information from a higher numbered priority source will take precedence over a lower priority source. If the airing information for an overridable source is manually changed, an icon will be shown on the mouse over pop up.

Depending on the system configuration settings, auto-imported spots will either be posted automatically, in which case they do not need to be manually posted, or must be manually approved and posted. 

If auto-imported spots require manual posting, they will be shown with a red background color. To post auto-imported spots that require manual posting, press the Submit Posts button.

Additional Options

Depending on the system configuration, the following additional options may be available:

  • Makegoods: can be created from missed spots by pressing the “Missed Spots” button and filling out the required information.
  • Avail names: the name of each break/avail is shown.


On systems configured to allow makegoods, any spots that were marked as not having aired will be added to the list of missed spots. Makegoods can be created from missed spots from either the Dashboard or the Missed Spots button the Posting Screen. The advertiser and product, spot length, valid days to air, and missed date and time will be shown for each missed spot.

To create a makegood, type the air date in the Air Date field and type the air time in the Air Time field. In most cases the correct copy will be selected automatically. 

The air date and time must meet the requirements specified on the Makegood Policy screen. To view the Makegood Policy rules, press the "Makegood Policy" button in the upper right corner. 

If an air date or air time is entered that violates one of the makegood policy rules, the system will notify the user so that the air date/time can be corrected.

After entering a valid air date and time, press the Process button to create the makegood.

Makegoods will be indicated on the Posting Screen in the week they aired with a Makegood icon in the MG column.

When making a spot good from a sports event, the spot can be made good on another event by entering a makegood date on which there is another event, and selecting the event from the list.